SHIP:TEMBER - An Everydays Project.

General / 14 September 2020

I absolutely love spaceships - whether in the realms of fiction or the imagination I often find nothing cooler. I've had a super busy 2019 & 2020 so far. In that time I had built up a large backlog of projects yet to be finished. Many of them are vehicle concepts and a large chunk of those being spaceships. So I wanted a reason to really finish these off or at least explore some of these ideas and see where they could go.

Most of August I was prepping to release a bunch of these as an art dump in various forms - ie sketches, concepts, etc. Then with the trend of renaming a month for art purposes, I thought it would be funny to use September as an excuse to release these spaceships - Hence Ship:tember was born.

So I hope to make it to the full 30 days - at the time of posting, I'm a few days behind. and just a quick rundown of the process - they are a mix of traditional sketches refined digitally, digital sketches, Using a 3D base - bringing them to 90% completion in 3D as well as some Houdini experiments. So far I'm having fun & definitely leaning more on shape exploration - I've also seen a few I would like to take further and really flesh out.

I've done a year of everydays before so I know I've got the stamina but the consistency was all over the place - a key aim with this one is for it to appear as a cohesive project and body of work. 

Lets see where this ends up.

Here's what I have so Far... see them daily at